Welcome to our carrd!


If you ever need clarification, just dm us!

Here's some music to keep you company!
(Just click / tap the artwork)

Updates and Disclaimers

This carrd is currently in demo mode!
As soon as we get around 70% of the carrd done, it'll go into 'Beta' aka "Eh it's good enough to make this the default and show to people"
Feel free to message us if you find typos, bugs, missing info, or faulty buttons, or if you find some info too hard to look at or understand!

Ver : 0.0.6
Last updated : Mar 27 2023 (⛈️)

Things are listed in the order completed.

  • Basic Carrd Layout

  • Lite's Profile

  • Boper's Profile

  • Jamie's Profile

  • LoveBug's Profile

  • Daniel's Profile

  • Rookie's Profile

  • Candy SubSys Profiles

  • Rotary's full profile

  • Cassidy's Profile

Coming soon!

Coming soon!

Coming soon!

Alters that you'll be more likely to run into.

Alters that either don't front as often or are pulled to front by triggers sometimes.

Alters trapped behind the 'dissociative barrier', a place in headspace only these alters can access.

Alters that have yet to figure out xeir role.

Alters you may never meet.

Confused about the layout?

What is the Barrier?

The barrier is a dissociative "place" in headspace where the barrier alters can see everyone else, but the others can't see xem. It's currently unknown how or why this happens.

Dissociative Manager

Symptom Holder

Memory Manager


Argument Preventer

Sorted by split date
(Oldest at top, Newest at bottom)


Alters who stay back and take care of people.

Littles / Middles

The kids.

💠 Template Alter's Profile ☔

The first emoji is xeir identity tag, the second is for aesthetic. An alter may also change 'Profile' to something else if xey feel like it.

A song the alter wants on xeir profile! Might be a favorite, or one that describes xem.

🞤 System Info 🞤
Role :
What an alter does in the system.
*SubSys Role :
If an alter is in a subsystem xey might have a different role in xeir private headspace.
*Front Trigger :
Certain alters can be 'summoned' to front by certain situations, be it urgent or random.
Mental Age :
Not all alters identify with the age of the body. It will be stated if the age is static or changes with the body's age.
Species :
Most of our alters are non-humans!
Source :
The source of media this alter is from.
Ok with shared source? :
Is this alter okay with other introjects from the same source as xemselves.
Ok with source doubles? :
Is this alter okay with introjects that are the same fundemental person as xem.
Source Warnings :
Things you should know about the alter's source before you look into it.
🞤 About me 🞤
*Most preferred pronouns :
If the alter has a lot of pronouns, xey may put the ones xey want you to use the most here.
The 'default' pronouns you should use are It/Xey, since nowadays not everyone uses he!
Full Preferred Name :
The full name this alter identifies with the most, and the one you should probably use while talking to xem, unless that's not viable at the time. (THIS DOES NOT MEAN WHATS MORE COMFORTABLE FOR YOU IF YOU'RE A SINGLET.)
Gender :
The gender this alter identifies with
Preferred Terms :
Terms you should use with this alter
Sexuality :
The sexuality this alter identifies with
Aspec :
Is this alter some form of Asexual or Aromantic?
Alternative Names :
Other names you can call this alter by if xeir preffered name can't be used in the moment.
🞤 Triggers and Discomforts 🞤
Major Triggers :
Things you should REALLY not send EVER to ANYONE in the system because it might summon xem to front with a trauma response.
Minor Triggers :
Things you should be sure not to send if the alter is around. Even if they're minor please take them seriously. Minor does not mean unimportant!
*Squicks :
Stuff the alter may want to avoid talking about. Try to not bring these up.
Do not call me :
Things you should NEVER call the alter.
🞤 Likes and Favorites 🞤
I like :
General things this alter likes!
*Fave Color :
Xeir favorite color! Example of the color will be like this - [Color name here]
*Fave Song :
The alter's favorite song(s)!
*Fave Media :
The alter's favorite media(s)!
*Fave Food :
The alter's favorite food(s)!
*Fave Animal :
The alter's favorite animal(s)!
🞤 Fun Stuff 🞤
(This whole catagory is optional)
Hot Pink Bitch named Breakfast or
Cold Blue Bastard named Dinner? :
Basically a hydrangea allignment chart! Not everyone answers with Pink/Blue though.
Kiki, Taktak, or Bouba? :
A shape / noise to describe the xeir personality!
Futch scale rating :
A femme-butch scale describing how an alter presents. Femme is 1, Butch is 11, true Futch (neutral) is 6. (Does NOT mean xeir gender!)
Flower association :
The flower this alter identifies with!
Song that describes me :
A song that describes this alter pretty well

💠 Template Alter's Profile ☔

🞤 System Info 🞤
Role :
*SubSys Role :
*Front Trigger :
Mental Age :
Species :
Source :
Ok with shared source? :
Ok with source doubles? :
Source Warnings :
🞤 About me 🞤
*Most preferred pronouns :
Pronouns :
Full Preferred Name :
Gender :
Preferred Terms :
Sexuality :
Aspec :
Alternative Names :
🞤 Triggers and Discomforts 🞤
Major Triggers :
Minor Triggers :
*Squicks :
Do not call me :
🞤 Likes and Favorites 🞤
I like :
Fave Color :

Fave Song :
Fave Media :
Fave Food :
Fave Animal :
🞤 Fun Stuff 🞤
Hot Pink Bitch named Breakfast or
Cold Blue Bastard named Dinner? :
Kiki, Taktak, or Bouba? :
Futch scale rating :
Flower association :
Song that describes me :

🦴 Cassidy's Profile 💧

𑁍 System Info 𑁍
Role :
I stop arguments.
And I'm a Little.
Mental Age :
Species :
Source :
SCP Site 13
Ok with shared source? :
Only my brother Lite and Mr. Bright's are okay.
Ok with source doubles? :
Not sure.
Source Warnings :Dereality, EXTREME amounts of death, Child abuse, Unnerving descriptions, Psychosis inducing phrases, Burning alive.
𑁍 About me 𑁍
Most preferred pronouns :
Pronouns :
She/Her It/Its Xe/Xir
Full Preferred Name :
Gender :
Preferred Terms :
Alternative Names :
𑁍 Triggers and Discomforts 𑁍
Major Triggers :
Rape/csa, Being locked up, Child abuse
Minor Triggers :
Swat teams, Dr. Emerson
Squicks :
SCP Foundation
Do not call me :
Thing, SCP-2316 (Only Lite gets to call me by that)
𑁍 Likes and Favorites 𑁍
I like :
Water, Mist, Silence
Fave Color :
Stormy gray
Fave Song :
Opiejam by Patricia Taxxon
Fave Media :
Magic Tree House
Fave Food :
Fave Animal :
Lamprey, aka my brother.
𑁍 Fun Stuff 𑁍
Hot Pink Bitch named Breakfast or
Cold Blue Bastard named Dinner? :
Blue is nice.
Kiki, Taktak, or Bouba? :
Futch scale rating :
Flower association :
Pale Marigolds
Song that describes me :
Breastbone by Patricia Taxxon

☎️ Rotary Dialtone's Profile ☯️

Special Info
In case it wasn't clear already, Rotary isn't a separate alter. It is the merged form of the two hosts, meaning xey both got soupy and melded together. Basically if you see our fronting tag as "Rotary" it probably indicates the host isn't in a good mental space and should probably be left alone unless indicated otherwise.

🗲 System Info
Role :
THE Host
SubSys Role :
Merged Form
Front Condition :
Soupy / Poor mental state
Mental Age :
Species :
Depends on day
Sources :
Ok with shared source? :
Ok with source doubles? :
Yes (Might become territorial depending on mental state and/or dominant source id)
Source Warnings :
Ask (Too many to list)
🗲 About me
Pronouns :
It/Its He/His Any Neopronouns
Full Preferred Name :
Rotary G. Dialtone
Gender :
Preferred Terms :
Masculine and Neutral
Sexuality :
Aspec :
Vaguely Asexual, Very Aromantic
Alternative Names :
Dialtone, SpamMail, Butterfly Effect
🗲 Triggers and Discomforts
Major Triggers :
Roaches, IRL Gore, Tech Destruction, Eye Contact, Teeth Trauma, Medical Needles, Ear Infestation, Suffocation, Eye Trauma
Minor Triggers :
Animal Pelts, Animal/Plant Harm, Angry Yelling, Harpoons, Ear infection, Self Harm
Squicks :
Hot environments, Loud Noises
Do not call me :
Anything Feminine, Girl, They/Them
🗲 Likes and Favorites
We like :
Weather, The Ocean, Photography, Plants
Fave Colors :
Toxic Teal and Cobalt
Fave Song :
The Villain You Wanted by mint-bees
Fave Media :
HLVRAI in any shape or form
Fave Food :
Salmon, MEAT, Soda
Fave Animal :
Dogs, Isopods, Otters, Seals
🗲 Fun Stuff
Hot Pink Bitch named Breakfast or
Cold Blue Bastard named Dinner? :
Depends on the day ::)
(Usually Blue leaning)
Kiki, Taktak, or Bouba? :
Futch scale rating :
Depends on source id
Flower association :
Blue Hydrangea
Song that describes me :
SPLIT! by Jhariah


Thinking half of the Host.

Boper 🦋

Feeling half of the host!

The Candy Sub System

🍭 Gummi B. Freeman

🍬 Razzberri Slushie

🍬 Razz's Profile! ✉️

System Info
Role :
protector i guess
SubSys Role :
i protect gummi.
Mental Age :
fuck if i know.
Species :
computer virus / scorpion thing
Source :
Y2KVR c:
Ok with shared source? :
Ok with source doubles? :
Source Warnings :
Possession, The Void, Abandonment, Isolation, Anonymous Hate Messages,
Limb Displacement
About me
Pronouns :
It/Its + He/Him + Xe/Xir
Full Preferred Name :
Razzberri Slushie
Gender :
Preferred Terms :
masc and femme are my faves, but neutral is ay-okay with me.
Sexuality :
i like a good.
Alternative Names :
Razz, Benrey, Bell
Triggers and Discomforts
Major Triggers :
Minor Triggers :
year2000electronics... :/
Do not call me :
the s slur and w slur.
Likes and Favorites
I like :
tower defense games, good music
Fave Color :
bbbbb ourple
Fave Song :
if i die in mississippi -
would your front porch collapse
Fave Media :
bloons tower defense 5 c:
Fave Food :
take a guess... well ur WRONG cuz its hot cocoa HAHAHHAHAHA
Fave Animal :
scorpionsss, mi familia
Fun Stuff
Hot Pink Bitch named Breakfast or
Cold Blue Bastard named Dinner? :
dinner for me thanks
Kiki, Taktak, or Bouba? :
Futch scale rating :
6, but in a gender weird way.
Flower association :

🍭 Gummi's Profile! ✉️

System Info
Role :
Peace Keeper!
SubSys Role :
I'm the host! ^^
Mental Age :
27 years old
Species :
Clown + Human
Source :
Castle Crashers and Y2KVR!
Ok with shared source? :
Yes for Y2k, No for Castle Crashers.
Ok with source doubles? :
Yes for Gordons, No for Pink Knights.
Source Warnings :
Y2KVR - Possession, The Void, Abandonment, Isolation, Anonymous Hate Messages, Limb Displacement
CC - Typical Newgrounds BS, Kidnapping, Gore / Dismemberment / Decapitation, Body Horror, Unnerving stuff
About me
Most preferred pronouns :
Xe/Xir, Pi/Pinks
Pronouns :
Any are fine! /g
Full Preferred Name :
Gummi Barnaby Freeman!
Gender :
Trans man!
Preferred Terms :
Masc/Neutral is preferred!
Sexuality :
Aspec :
(I prefer QPP's instead of Partners)
Alternative Names :
Honks, Loverboy, Barn, Pink
Triggers and Discomforts
Major Triggers :
Bats, Slimes, Kidnapping, Dying in Lava
Minor Triggers :
VRV/Y2KVR E-Mails being abusive
Squicks :
Being Isolated, Grapefruit
Do not call me :
Feminine terms... :(
Likes and Favorites
I like :
Love Letters~!, Sparkly things, Confetti, Parties, Clowns!!!
Fave Color :
PINK!!!, And purply blues <3
Fave Song :
Kors K - Smooooch ・∀・
Fave Media :
Kirby : Right Back At Ya!, Castle Crashers, Y2KVR, HLVRV, HLVRAI, Sailor Moon
Fave Food :
Cheesecake and Gummy Bears!
Fave Animal :
Fun Stuff
Hot Pink Bitch named Breakfast or
Cold Blue Bastard named Dinner? :
I'm the pinkiest one here in my opinion!
Kiki, Taktak, or Bouba? :
Bouba!!! ^v^
Futch scale rating :
3 in aesthetic, 7 in fashion!
Flower association :
Hmm, maybe a Hibiscus? ・0・

⛈️ Dr. Rookie's Profile ❄️

🗲 System Info 🗲
Role :
Host and Persecutor
SubSys Role :
Thinking Half
Front Trigger :
Unknown, but it happens
Mental Age :
Species :
Various Multi-Source
(Mostly Ids with Eldritch, AI, and Selkie)
Source :
Various Multi-Source
(Mostly Ids with HLVRAI)
Ok with shared source? :
Ok with source doubles? :
Source Warnings :
Ask (Too many to list)
🗲 About me 🗲
Most preferred pronouns :
Pronouns :
It/Its He/His Xey/Xeir Any Neo Pronouns
Full Preferred Name :
Rookie G. Coolatta
Gender :
Preferred Terms :
Masculine and Neutral
Sexuality :
Aspec :
Mostly Aro Ace
Alternative Names :
Smiley, Thomas, Syrus, Zap, Benrey
🗲 Triggers and Discomforts 🗲
Major Triggers :
Roaches, IRL Gore, Tech Destruction, Eye Contact, Teeth Trauma, Medical Needles, Ear Infestation, Suffocation, Eye Trauma
Minor Triggers :
Animal Pelts, Animal/Plant Harm, Angry Yelling, Harpoons, Ear infection, Self Harm
Squicks :
Hot environments, Loud Noises
Do not call me :
Anything Feminine, Girl, They/Them
🗲 Likes and Favorites 🗲
I like :
Cold, Snow, Ocean, Weather, Museums,
People Watching, Horror Stories
Fave Color :
Fave Song :
Doctor Whomst by Origami Angel
Fave Media :
HLVRAI, Monster Rancher, FMA, Yu-Gi-Oh, Digimon,
Mob Psycho 100, Craig of the Creek, MLP
Fave Food :
Code Red Mt Dew, Ice Cubes, Raw Salmon, Pot Roast
Fave Animal :
Dogs, Seals, All bugs besides roaches
🗲 Fun Stuff 🗲
Hot Pink Bitch named Breakfast or
Cold Blue Bastard named Dinner? :
I'm the Cold Blue Bastard named Dinner :)
Kiki, Taktak, or Bouba? :
Futch scale rating :
11. Stone butch.
Flower association :
Buttercups and Blue Hydrangeas
Song that describes me :
Outliars and Hyppocrates : a fun fact about apples
by Will Wood

🚙 Daniel's Page 🧢

System Info
Role :
Memory Manager.
Mental Age :
(Might be static?)
Species :
Source :
Stay Away From Daniel Creech
Ok with shared source? :
Ok with source doubles? :
Source Warnings :
IT IS 18+. Don't look it up if you're a minor, Mildly decribed gore, Decapitation, Gunshot wounds, Paranoia inducing Nightmares, Homophobia / Transphobia (From characters, not story), Extremely paranoid MC
About me
Pronouns :
Full Preferred Name :
Daniel L. Creech
Gender :
Preferred Terms :
I don't mind much of anything.
Sexuality :
Aspec :
Alternative Names :
Dan, Danny, Lake
Triggers and Discomforts
Major Triggers :
Rape, CSA, Abusive Grandparents
Minor Triggers :
Eye contact
Squicks :
Do not call me :
Son / Boy
Likes and Favorites
I like :
Cars, Nerd shit, Collecting turtle figurines
Fave Color :
Fave Song :
Patricia Taxxon - BATTLESHIP
Fave Media :
The Princess Bride
Fave Food :
Chili, Meatball Subs
Fave Animal :
Fun Stuff
Hot Pink Bitch named Breakfast or
Cold Blue Bastard named Dinner? :
Kiki, Taktak, or Bouba? :
Futch scale rating :
8. I like some femme stuff.
Flower association :
Fringeless Orchid
Song that describes me :
George Micheal - Careless Whisper
(Seether Cover)

💌 LoveBug's Profile 🎀

System Info
Role :
Co-Host (Previous), Protector (Current)
Front Trigger :
Usually Stressful social stimulation
Mental Age :
(Ages with Body)
Species :
Demon AI Virus (Main) + Human
Source :
Ok with shared source? :
Ok with source doubles? :
Source Warnings :
Y2KVR - Possession, The Void, Abandonment, Isolation, Anonymous Hate Messages, Limb Displacement
HLVRAI - Dismemberment, Heavy Gaslighting, Extreme amounts of death, Parasites, Zombies, Body Horror, VR Perspective (Motion Sickness), Gore and Blood, Betrayal
About me
Most preferred pronouns :
It/Its and He/His
Pronouns :
It/Its He/His Xy/Xyr Ey/Eir Pup/Pups
Full Preferred Name :
LoveBug Freeman~!
Gender :
Lovecoric Transmasc
Preferred Terms :
Masculine, Neutral, Creature
Sexuality :
Cinthean Gay
Aspec :
Alternative Names :
Bug, Ben, Bow-Wow, Freeman, Scorpion
Triggers and Discomforts
Major Triggers :
CSA/CP, Rape, Suicide, Drowning, Abandonment, Digital Decay / Corruption, Tokyo Ghoul, Yuri On Ice, Mystic Messenger
Minor Triggers :
The Body's Dad, Deep Open Water
Squicks :
Rotten Food / Smells, Bright Lights, Cigarettes
Do not call me :
Anything Feminine
Likes and Favorites
I like :
Pink, Long Sleeves, Webcore, Skeletons, Computer Viruses (Conceptually)
Fave Color :
Strawberry Pink ⬤, Cherry Red ,
Twilight Purple
Fave Song :
Patricia Taxxon - Spiral Staircase
Fave Media :
HLVRAI, Ratchet & Clank, Fullmetal Alchemist, Red Dwarf, Sailor Moon
Fave Foods :
Tiramisu and Cherry Soda
Fave Animals :
Bunnies, Dogs, Beetles
Fun Stuff
Hot Pink Bitch named Breakfast or
Cold Blue Bastard named Dinner? :
Pink of course~!
Kiki, Taktak, or Bouba? :
Futch scale rating :
0, So femme I wrap around to being butch
Flower association :
Neil Diamond Hybrid Tea Rose /
Pink Hydrangea
Song that describes me :
Will Wood - Marsha, Thankk You for the Dialectics, but I Need You to Leave

🌱 Jamie's Profile 🐸

🙒 System Info 🙒
Role :
Mental Age :
20-30 range
Species :
Source :
(Y2KVR and Stay Away from Daniel Creech)
Ok with shared source? :
Ok with source doubles? :
Source Warnings :
Y2KVR - Possession, The Void, Abandonment, Isolation, Anonymous Hate Messages, Limb Displacement
SAFDC - IT IS 18+. Don't look it up if you're a minor, Mildly decribed gore, Decapitation, Gunshot wounds, Paranoia inducing Nightmares, Homophobia / Transphobia (From characters, not story), Extremely paranoid MC
🙒 About me 🙒
Pronouns :
Full Preferred Name :
Jamie Freeman
Gender :
Preferred Terms :
Sexuality :
Aspec :
Alternative Names :
J, Gordon, Strauss
🙒 Triggers and Discomforts 🙒
Major Triggers :
Christianity, Rape, Possesion, Abandonment, Gunshot wounds, Violent Transphobia
Minor Triggers :
Murder, Crosses, Judging people unfairly
Do not call me :
🙒 Likes and Favorites 🙒
I like :
Botany, Plants, Dungeons and Dragons, 3d Modeling, Amphibians, Bugs
Fave Color :
Sprout Green ⬤
Fave Song :
Psychedelic Porn Crumpets - Found God in a Tomato
Fave Media :
Secret of Kells
Fave Food :
Any Sandwich with Alfalfa Sprouts
Fave Animals :
Frogs, Wolves, Scorpions
🙒 Fun Stuff 🙒
Hot Pink Bitch named Breakfast or
Cold Blue Bastard named Dinner? :
Uh... Green?
Kiki, Taktak, or Bouba? :
Futch scale rating :
Flower association :
Lily pads!
Song that describes me :
Red Vox - In The Garden

🦋 Boper's Profile ☘️

System Info
Role :
SubSys Role :
Feeling Half
Mental Age :
Species :
Various Multi-Source
(Mostly Identifies with AI and Eldritch)
Source :
Various Multi-Source
(Mostly Ids with HLVRAI and Deltarune)
Ok with shared source? :
Ok with source doubles? :
Yes (Except Spamtons)
Source Warnings :
Ask (Too many to list)
About me
Most preferred pronouns :
Pronouns :
It/Its, He/Him, any Neos, They/Their
Full Preferred Name :
Boper G. Coolatta
Gender :
Vaguely bug shaped
Preferred Terms :
Masculine and Neutral
Sexuality :
I like who I like
Aspec :
3% Romantic
Alternative Names :
Spam, Benny, Bee, Angel, Neil, Napster
Triggers and Discomforts
Major Triggers :
Roaches, IRL Gore, Tech Destruction, Eye Contact, Teeth Trauma, Medical Needles, Ear Infestation, Suffocation, Eye Trauma
Minor Triggers :
Animal Pelts, Animal/Plant Harm, Angry Yelling, Harpoons, Ear infection, Self Harm
Squicks :
Hot environments, Loud Noises
Do not call me :
Anything Feminine, Girl
Likes and Favorites
I like :
Water, Photography, Weather, Plants
Fave Color :
Toxic Teal
Fave Song :
Train - Drops of Jupiter
Fave Media :
Nausicaa, HLVRAI
Fave Food :
Chili Cheese Fries
Fave Animals :
Dogs, Isopods, Wasps, Otters
Fun Stuff
Hot Pink Bitch named Breakfast or
Cold Blue Bastard named Dinner? :
Kiki, Taktak, or Bouba? :
Futch scale rating :
I'd say I'm a 9!
Flower association :
Blue Iris / Blue Hydrangea
Song that describes me :
The Stupendium - AD INFINITUM

🐦 Lite's Profile 🩸

System Info
Role :
Dissociative Manager
Mental Age :
(Ages with Body)
Species :
Shapeshifting Lamprey Reality Bender
(Conjoined Hivemind)
Source :
SCP - 1730 Site 13
Ok with shared source? :
REALLY depends. Dr. Bright is case to case, other cognito hazard scps are a NO, any other scp is okay
Ok with source doubles? :
I guess??? Idfk.
Source Warnings :
Dereality, EXTREME amounts of death, Child abuse, Unnerving descriptions, Psychosis inducing phrases, Burning alive.
About me
Most preferred pronouns :
Pronouns :
Full Preferred Name :
Elijah Nite Lite
Gender :
Preferred Terms :
I literally don't care.
Sexuality :
Aspec :
Alternative Names :
Eli, Bluebird, Nite, EEL
Triggers and Discomforts
Major Triggers :
Deviant art fetishizers, CSA/CP, Incinerators and burning alive, Rape, Vitas Carnis, a thing called a "Meat Mimic", Large Bulging eyes, Weeping Angels and to an extent SCP-173
Minor Triggers :
Things crawling through vents, Tall spindly beings, things that move while I'm not looking, Dead empty eyes, ARGs, ONLY calling scps by their serial numbers.
Squicks :
Grease, Microfiber, Chalk
Do not call me :
1730, Subject
Likes and Favorites
I like :
BLOOD, Scary things, Bird watching, Math
Fave Colors :
Blood Red , Sickly Green
Fave Song :
SCENAR10 - waruiko
Fave Media :
Fave Foods :
Chicken Livers, Bone Marrow
Fave Animals :
Fun Stuff
Hot Pink Bitch named Breakfast or
Cold Blue Bastard named Dinner? :
Purple Motherfucker named Lunch
Kiki, Taktak, or Bouba? :
Futch scale rating :
I want to be a 6 but end up being a 8 since most people here id as butch.
Flower association :
Venus Flytrap / Purple Hydrangea
Song that describes me :
Rule # 4 Fish in a bird cage